Essay: President Biden's Climate Crisis Executive Order Fails to Tackle the Obvious (February 15th)
Today, 3 Quarks Daily posted my latest climate crisis-related essay.
3 Quarks has posted a few of my previous related efforts, for example, here's a June 2019 essay:
Today's piece opens with this paragraph:
Tragically, President Biden’s 21-page “Tackling the Climate Crisis” Executive Order signed January 27th failed to make any effort to address the increasingly dire health effects caused by the climate crisis. This may seem surprising since, for example, just one-month earlier Lancet published its fifth, well publicized and highly regarded annual report, “Countdown on Health and Climate Change.” The report’s introduction opens by asserting planetary warming is “resulting in profound, immediate and rapidly worsening health effects.” Nevertheless, the executive order makes no mention of the Medicare and Medicaid programs and ignores the fact the US health care industry’s greenhouse gas emissions significantly contribute to climate crisis-related health effects. This is disturbing since the federal government, responsible for safeguarding the health of America’s most vulnerable citizens, should not allow the healthcare industry to systematically harm their health.