Podcast Series: Eight Interviews Concerning National Healthcare Policy Reform (January - March 2021)
Due to the holiday season, this series of eight interviews will now be posted beginning in of January. Again, these interviews with nationally-recognized healthcare policy experts will discuss policy solutions that offer the potential to remedy significant healthcare delivery and financing problems.
The series will begin with a discussion of population health with Virginia Commonwealth's Dr. Steven Woolf. As I noted previously, Americans are significantly more disease burdened and experience shorter life spans than individuals in comparative countries. Long-time listeners of this podcast may recall I interviewed Dr. Woolf in February 2013 regarding his work in chairing the Institute of Medicine (now National Academy of Sciences) panel that published in early 2013, US Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, Poorer Health (at: https://www.nationalacademies.org/our-work/understanding-cross-national-health-differences-among-high-income-countries).
In subsequent interviews I will discuss with:
Dr. Steven Woolf (Virginia Commonwealth University) population health (posted January 31)
Dr. Bob Berenson (the Urban Institute) health care pricing (posted February 18)
Dr. Amol Navathe (U. of Penn) traditional Medicare or Medicare fee for service
Prof. Michael Chernew (Harvard and MedPAC Chairman) Medicare Advantage
Mark Miller, Ph.D. (Arnold Ventures) drug pricing
Dr. Kate Goodrich (Humana) health care quality measurement and performance benchmarking
Prof. Judy Feder (Georgetown) long term care policy
Dr. Paula Braveman and Dr. Laura Gottlieb (U. of California, San Francisco) the social determinants of health