Third Installment of the IPCC's Sixth Report Is Published: Overshooting 1.5C of Warming is "Almost Inevitable" (April 4)
Yesterday, the UN's IPCC released its third section of its latest, or sixth, report. Among other findings, the authors' concluded overshooting 1.5C is "almost inevitable," and investments in the shift to a low-carbon world is about six times lower than they need to be. As the co-chair of the working group, Jim Skea of the Imperial College of London, stated, "it's now or never” regarding keeping warming to 1.5C. Regarding governments' efforts to date, UN Secretary General Guterres stated, "some government and business leaders are saying on thing - but doing another. Simply put, they are lying. And the results will be catastrophic." Since it takes the IPCC six to seven years to produce these reports, this is likely last report before the planet experiences climate breakdown, or what’s termed Hothouse Earth: Finally, concerning US media coverage, that remains beyond incompetent, go to and look to find their coverage of the report. To save time: scroll to the bottom of he page and work your way up.
Here’s the 63-page summary of the report: