Listener's may recall my August 3rd interview with David Wallace Wells concerning his New York magazine essay, "The Uninhabitable Earth" and my posting a link to my June 13th essay that appeared on The Health Care Blog (THCB) and titled, "Medical Associations Non-Pulsed by Trump's Withdrawal From the Paris Accord." Both addressed the problem of unambiguous global warming.
"As the World Burns" (November 13th)
"As the World Burns" (November 13th)
"As the World Burns" (November 13th)
Listener's may recall my August 3rd interview with David Wallace Wells concerning his New York magazine essay, "The Uninhabitable Earth" and my posting a link to my June 13th essay that appeared on The Health Care Blog (THCB) and titled, "Medical Associations Non-Pulsed by Trump's Withdrawal From the Paris Accord." Both addressed the problem of unambiguous global warming.