This past June 30th the US House of Representatives' Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, specifically the Committee's Democratic majority, released a 547-page report titled, "Solving the Climate Crisis." The report's healthcare chapter, "Improve Public Health and Manage Climate Risks to Health Infrastructure is at pages 313-338. The report also comes with 21 one-page summaries concerning climate crisis-related subtopics ranging from agriculture to transportation. The report text, presser, summary pages, et al., is at:
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House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis…
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This past June 30th the US House of Representatives' Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, specifically the Committee's Democratic majority, released a 547-page report titled, "Solving the Climate Crisis." The report's healthcare chapter, "Improve Public Health and Manage Climate Risks to Health Infrastructure is at pages 313-338. The report also comes with 21 one-page summaries concerning climate crisis-related subtopics ranging from agriculture to transportation. The report text, presser, summary pages, et al., is at: