Concerning the recent United Nation’s COP 26 meeting in Glasgow, again unverifiable pledges were made moreover to cut methane gas emissions by 30% by 2030, limit deforestation and adequately finance converting to a green economy. The US continued to exhibit intransience and/or fecklessness moreover by refusing to sign a pledge to phase out coal despite the fact it is the single biggest source of CO2 emissions worldwide and the fact the US still generates 20% of its electricity from coal.
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Concerning the recent United Nation’s COP 26 meeting in Glasgow, again unverifiable pledges were made moreover to cut methane gas emissions by 30% by 2030, limit deforestation and adequately finance converting to a green economy. The US continued to exhibit intransience and/or fecklessness moreover by refusing to sign a pledge to phase out coal despite the fact it is the single biggest source of CO2 emissions worldwide and the fact the US still generates 20% of its electricity from coal.