In May 2011 Vermont passed legislation signed by Governor Peter Shumlin creating a single-payer, publicly financed, universal health care system termed Green Mountain Care. The law recognized health care as a public good much like electricity. The program, not expected to go into effect until at least 2017, will be defined by an independent board, the Green Mountain Care Board, created to oversee all aspects of the program including rate setting, hospital budget authorization and the regulation of insurance carriers. The single payer system is expected to increase insurance claims costs but the savings derived from lower administrative costs are expected to result in net savings.
During this 19 minute discussion Joshua discusses how politically Green Mountain Care came about, where presently the state is in rolling out the plan, how the state's insurance marketplace will enable the program, what role private insurance plans will play, how will the program be financed, what skeptics are saying and how Vermont's effors may inform the on-going natonal health care policy debate.
Joshua Slen served as Vermont's Mediciad Director from 2004-2008. Presently, or since 2011, Joshua has been an Executive Account Director with Molina Healthcare. He was a Senior Consultant to Bailit Health Purchasing from 2009-2011 and prior to serving as Medicaid Director he was a Deputy (Budget) Commissioner and a Budget and Management Analyst for the State of Vermont. Joshua began his public service career working in several Ohio state budget offices from 1991-1999. He earned his MPA at Ohio State University and his BA in political science at Wittenberg University.
To learn more about Green Mountain Care go to:
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