Shortly before the Supreme Court recesses in early July the Court will rule on David King v. Sylvia Burwell, the case where the plaintiffs argue the Affordable Care Act only allows for tax credit subsidies via state-run exchanges or only those, as the ACA states, "established by the state." If the court rules in favor of the plaintiff an estimated 5 to 8 million newly insured will lose their coverage absent a subsidy because to date only 16 states plus the District of Columbia have set up state health insurance exchanges or marketplaces. If this is the Court's ruling how might the Republican-controlled Congress react? Regardless of the Court's decision the health care reform likely becomes a 2016 presidential campaign issue for the Republican party.
During this 21-minute discussion, Dr. Tevi Troy outlines possible responses by the Republican controlled Congress to a Court's decision in favor of the plaintiffs, how Republican presidential candidates may shape the race's health care reform debate (moreover if the Court rules in favor of Burwell) and he addresses major aspects of the ACA that remain contentious, i.e., the employer mandate, the Cadillac tax and Medicaid reform.
Dr. Tevi Troy is currently President of the American Health Policy Institute and Adjunct Fellow at the Hudson Institute. Previously he served as Deputy Secretary at the Department of Health and Human Services under President George W. Bush, as Deputy Assistant and Acting Assistant to the White House Domestic Policy Council, as Policy Director for Senator John Ashcroft and as Senior Domestic Policy Adviser and Domestic Policy Director for the House Policy Committee. Still previously he was a Researcher at the American Enterprise Institute. His numerous writings include,"What Jefferson Read, Eisenhower Watched and Obama Tweeted, 200 Years of Popular Culture in the White House," and "Intellectuals and the American Presidency," Philosophers, Jesters or Technicians?" Dr. Troy earned his Ph.D. in American Civilizations from the University of Texas as Austin.
Information on Dr. Troy's latest book, ""What Jefferson Read, Eisenhower Watched and Obama Tweeted, 200 Years of Popular Culture in the White House” can be found at:
Potential Republican Party Responses to King v. Burwell: A Conversation With Tevi Troy (May 28th)